What profoundness you’re asking?
Well, this is day 79B… so, go read day 79A first and c’mon back. I’ll wait for ya…
So, to be honest – pretty much the rest of the day was a whole lotta nothing.
I mean, don’t get me wrong. I was happy. Actually – I was beyond happy. I had spent the morning coming to a crazy decision and then cemented it by booking three flights online for this Friday and Saturday.
The sense of glee you get when that final confirmation page pops up on an airline’s website showing you that the decision has been made and there’s no turning back is awesome.
These will be flights number 14, 15 and 16 that I’ve taken during this trip over the last 3 months. Crazy!
I happily went out into the 37C day to get a late breakfast and then walk around a bit. Kind of my MO right now – eat, walk, relax.
In the afternoon I spent some time writing the note I wanted to give to the girl on Saturday. I used Google translate and then had Tee, the resident go-to guy here at the hostel go over it and correct some stuff. He actually hand wrote what I had on the laptop so that’s kinda cool.
I must have been grinning from ear to ear because a girl on one of the chairs in the courtyard asked me why I was so happy.
I happily shared my story with a few of them and their reaction told me I was indeed doing the right thing.
I was going to head out for some pad thai cause, well, it was pad-thai o’clock but I was distracted by a card game going on with a couple of Germans.
Naturally the card game won over my appetite as I’m always on the lookout for cards. We sat and played for an hour or so before our game was rudely interrupted by a swarm of bees that for some reason decided to descend into our area.
We bailed and I took that as I sign that it was time to get that pad thai!
I’ve been trying to walk in different areas since I’ve returned here just so I can explore more of what this city has to offer.
This time I headed out the east gate and down into the locals area. I thought my search for pad thai would come up empty handed but then I saw it – a sign proclaiming Best Pad Thai in Thailand (maybe the world).
Now with that kind of statement you know I’m gonna call them on it. So, I went in to try it.
Gotta say, pretty damn good.
As I walked back towards the north gate where my hostel is located I saw an old man walking gingergly along the sidewalk coming towards me.
He smiled his almost toothless smile and held his hand out. Now, normally, I just pass someone like this and just go on my way.
This, of course, has been an enlightening week for me and instead I pulled out my wallet and handed him a 100 baht note.
I’m sure he would have been grateful for just a 20 baht note but, what can I say, he came upon me on the right day.
By the way – 100 baht is about $3.
Small price to pay for making both his day and mine.
Again in the evening I was just wiped out. I did go out again around 8pm to get some dinner down the road (breaded chicken on rice) but then that was it for me.
I was in for the night by 9pm. Alone in my room as others had gone out for the night.
But you know what, I’m actually perfectly content with that. I’m fine on my own, fine relaxing, fine in my own thoughts. It’s what I came back up to Chiang Mai for and I couldn’t be happier.