Well, after deciding yesterday to come home I gave myself the night to sleep on it to see if I still felt that way this morning.

I didn’t sleep that much last night as all the thoughts of going back home were rolling through my head.   It was all I could think about and when I woke up this morning I was sure…

I’m coming home!

I’ve traveled enough for right now and I’m ready to come home.   Not because I’m sad or depressed or anything like that.   I just feel ready.   I don’t want to travel anymore right now.   I want my real life back.

So, I popped on the laptop and booked my tickets home and just like that – the decision was final.

Tomorrow I’m taking a bus to Dubrovnik and then a flight from there to Manchester where I’ll spend the night before flying out the next day to Vancouver.

I’ll be in Vancouver in 48 hours.   Yes, it’s that quick.

Thought then turned to how I was going to come back.   I knew I wanted to surprise people with my sudden return as no one would be expecting it.

I quickly typed up a fake blog entry saying that I would be on a boat for a couple of days and wouldn’t be blogging because of it.

This way my Mom, who reads my blog nightly, won’t suspect I’m coming home.   If, by the way, you’re wondering about this entry and yesterdays – I typed them up but didn’t publish them until I was back home.

As for people at my old job – the Keg restaurant – I want to show up there on Saturday night to surprise everyone.   Not only the staff but some of my regulars.   The Middletons have been coming to the Keg almost every Saturday night and I can’t wait to shock them by sitting down at their table.

Another reason to go back to the restaurant – a homecoming dinner with my close friends.

So, I let them, and only them, know I was coming back.   My friends at the Keg though I left in the dark.   I didn’t want the surprise to get let out and I figured they would be working anyway so they would be there already.   I even talked on facebook with a couple of my Keg friends tonight about how I was thinking of coming back home early, but not until the summer.

As for the day – I visited the old town again around noon to buy some souvenirs for people back home.   I knew exactly what I wanted – what I had already deemed the perfect souvenir.

Yes, I was getting some rocks!

As I entered the walls of the old town, I headed straight to where the kid had setup his table the other day and sure enough there he was again.

I knew I wanted to pick up 20 rocks and I noticed he only had 5 or 6 on his table so I asked him how long it took him to make them.   When he answered about 5 minutes I responded “well, I need 20 of them”.

His eyes lit up as he sprung up in his seat at said “7pm, I will bring them to you”

We agreed and I shook his hand.   I headed back to the hostel as I watched the weather drastically change to pouring rain.   I hoped the rain wouldn’t stop him from making the trek back to the old town with my rocks.

At 6:30 I started the 20 minute walk back to the city in the pouring rain.   I entered the city and went to where he had had his stand setup.   Obviously I wasn’t expecting him to be sitting there in the rain but I was dismayed to find he wasn’t there.

And then, like clockwork, he came around the corner with my bag full of rocks.   I paid him and we each went on our separate ways.   Now, I don’t know what 20 euros means to a 12 year old kid but I can imagine it was a massive day for this budding entrepreneur and that right there is why these souvenirs are the best souvenir ever!

The rest of the night was just eating and lounging around the hostel.   I downloaded alot of the TV shows I had missed the last 3 months for watching on the 9 hour flight home.

I ended the night having a great conversation with some friends back home on Facebook.

Tomorrow is a big travel day and the next day I’m home!

Euro Trip 2013, Budva, Montenegro, Trip Journal
Europe 2013
Photo Gallery
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