It’s amazing how quickly time passes by when you’re stuck in your daily life at home.   Work, sleep, rinse, repeat and before you know it, it’s been two years since you’ve gone traveling.

I came back from my DPRK Trip in the spring of 2018 and, at the time, I had already planned out my next trip.

In the fall of 2018 I was going to go back to Europe and cross off some more countries off my list.

And then, life happened.

Weeks before I was going to start organizing the trip, I had a gallstone which eventually led to me having gallbladder surgery right around the time I had planned to leave for my trip.


So, my plan to travel in the fall of 2018 was pushed back to the spring of 2019.   And then it got pushed back again to the fall of 2019.

And then last fall came and went and I finally made the decision in December – no more of life getting in the way, it was time to go traveling again!

So, here we are!   The trip that has been two years in the making is finally going to happen!

In just over a month, I’ll be heading to Europe once again for two months.   This time, I’ll be exploring the Balkan countries of Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania before heading over to Belgium, Luxembourg and ending in the Netherlands.

Oh yeah, there’s also the matter of a week and a half in London at the start of the trip for a poker community event called Lex Live 3, but that’s another blog

So, hold onto your hats!   It’s time to fire up the blog again!

Balkan Trip 2020 is just 35 days away!

Balkan Trip 2020, Pretrip, Trip Journal
Balkans 2020
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