Ok, so after putting it out to the universe yesterday I headed to Lucerne about an hour east of Bern today.
When I had quickly checked the timetable online I noticed the train fare was from 18.50 francs (about 15 euros) – seemed reasonable to me. I assumed the “from” part was referring to 2nd class but when I went to buy my ticket from the machine at the station I found out it actually referred to a half-fare offered for people who buy a yearly half-fare card. Basically my ticket was twice what I thought – 30 euros each way. I reluctantly bought it but knew I was paying too much for a 1 hour train ride.
Did I get my 60 euro value for my day trip to Lucerne? Not really.
The problem with day trips is it just isn’t enough time to do anything. As I’ve done before I end up just walking around the town with no real plan of what to see and where to go. Not a big deal if it only costs you a few euros to go but when it’s costing me 60 euros I feel like I’m just blowing the money.
So I walked around, stopped in a coop super market where they had their own semi buffet style restaurant. I order pork with mashed potatoes and was able to top the plate with as many veggies and starches as I could fit on there.
After lunch I walked some more in the rain and I started rethinking the next couple of days. I had planned to do two more day trips but now I’m not sure. Is it really worth it to spend 60 or 70 euros just to walk around a town for the day just to say “hey – I went there” or should I just hunker down in Bern until I leave for my flight to Malta on Monday?
And maybe I’m reading too much into this whole “universe” thing. Maybe everything and everyone doesn’t have to mean something. Maybe I’m just here – no reason, just here.
So, after all that universe stuff yesterday I’ve decided to go against it and hang out here in Bern. I’m changing to a hostel tomorrow morning so that should be better and hopefully I’ll meet some people. Other than that I’m just going to hang out here in Bern and if I do nothing – well, I do nothing. No need for every day to be go, go, go.
Anyway, I walked around for awhile and for the first time in months I started to think about the business idea I’ve had for years. People close to me know what it is and how it’s been on and off forever – and the name of the business does include the word “universe”. I don’t really want to share it our here in public land but it’s awesome (as all my business ideas are) and it’ll be HUGE!
I sat down under a wood covered bridge and wrote my ideas down for awhile before heading back for the train station to get back to Bern.
For dinner I went back to the same restaurant as last night and tried their feature menu again. This time I had tomato soup and salmon with fresh veggies in a hollandaise sauce. Of course I had wine to go with it and tiramisu again to finish it off.
And that was it. Simple day. Rejected the universe but re-discovered the other “universe”…