Icy trip 2013 has officially begun!
At 11am I got out of my comfy bed and excitingly got ready for the day. It’s been 6 months since I’ve been travelling and I was ready to get at it again.
I had already packed most of my stuff the night before but there were some frantic moments this morning making sure I had everything packed.
Heat off, patio door locked, passport, camera, sim card out of my phone, tickets printed…
Check, check, check, check, check…
Alright… it was time to go!
Just after noon I called up the taxi to take me to the Greyhound bus depot here in Vancouver. Normally I abhor taking taxis but I was still a little under the weather and didn’t fancy a walk in the rain.
I find it interesting that while cabbies normally drive like maniacs, once I was in the cab – lo and behold, a slow, carefree drive. I guess once the meter’s running there’s really no incentive to get there quickly.
Anyway, after showing the cabbie a shortcut to the bus terminal, I checked in a full hour (their policy) before the bus was to depart.
With an hour to kill, I headed outside down the street to good ‘ol Tim Hortons (for my non Canadian friends – Tims is a Canadian donut/sandwich institution up here). I had what would be my last meal here in Canada for awhile – Steak & Cheese Panini with Turkey Rice Soup and a Hot Chocolate.
At 2pm, myself and 7 other people embarked on our cross border trip to Seattle. Yes, there were only 8 people on our bus! At $15 a head, I have no earthly idea how this company makes money (at least on this particular trip, anyway)
Our trip over the border was pretty much the same as going through customs at an airport – declaration form, questions about the trip, a sniffing dog, and an xray of my bags.
It only took us all about 15 minutes to get through and we were on our way to the old U S of A.
Without delving too much into my past (my close friends know the story), this was my first time travelling to the states in 6 years and a couple hours later we reached our destination – Seattle!
Of course it was raining cause, well, it’s Seattle. Ok, ok, I know – Vancouver is the same thing but still – c’mon, my one night in Seattle and it has to rain! Geez!
Anyway, I decided to walk to the hostel (one cab today was enough for this boy). It took about 20 minutes but I was well bundled, had gloves and my umbrella. It was a good little workout with the 30 pound backpack attached to me.
Around 7pm I arrived at my home for the night – City Hostel. As I was checking in I think it finally hit me – I’m travelling again! A wave of memories of checking in to the various hostels in Europe came to me and I just kind of got excited.
After unloading my stuff and setting up my bed, I headed out. My first stop was the Target department store down the street to pickup a couple things I forgot/couldn’t find in Vancouver – earmuffs and long underwear.
Afterwards I decided I was gonna start this trip in style! A three course meal at this little Italian restaurant called Fontana around the corner from the hostel.
When I booked the cheaper Greyhound tickets earlier in the week I told myself that I would use that saved money to have a nice meal in Seattle so that’s what I did.
I ordered Bruschetta, Polla en Formaggi (Chicken in a cheese and tomato sauce) and, of course, Tiramisu. Oh, and Prosecco – yes, I had to have a glass of Prosecco. It felt like I was back in Italy. I actually was glancing at the photos on my phone that I took there while I waited for my plates. It brought back very fond memories.
And then it was time to head in for the night.
Tomorrow is the real big day… my flight to Iceland, meeting up with Dorianne and exploring the Golden Circle outside of Reykjavik – can’t wait!