Ok, let’s be honest… we all knew I was gonna use that title for one of my blogs here in Seattle…
I was just hoping it wouldn’t be so damn literal!
I’ve been fighting a cold the last week or so drowning myself in a heavenly mix of Buckley’s, Nyquil and Vics. Thanks to 3 days off where I literally did nothing before my trip I’m almost completely recovered.
Except for the nagging cough I get when I lay down to sleep. Last night was particularly rough as I just could not get to sleep. I felt so bad for my 3 roommates. I tried my best to stifle the coughs but it was to no avail. Damn Canadian coughing every 5 minutes. Thankfully none of them lashed out at me and by the time I woke up this morning they were all gone so I didn’t have to face them.
Anyway, now that I’m washed up and ready for the day – no coughing. My flight checkin is just 2 hours away and I’ve got Dayquil and Vics in my carryon.
Let’s get this trip going!
12 hours til I land in Iceland!