My last day of Euro Trip 2017 is here!
I once again took an early morning train leaving Aberdeen and arriving back in Edinburgh a few hours later.
Of course, now that I’m come back to Edinburgh for the third time in just over a week, the city presents a comfortable familiarity.
After checking into my last hostel of this trip I headed straight out into possibly the best weather I’ve seen since I left Cuba.
I actually left my winter jacket behind and just went out in my hoodie.
Anyway, I really only had one goal for today – buy some souvenirs.
Sore leg or not, I was gonna get this done today.
I spent a good chunk of the afternoon going from touristy store to touristy store and at the end of the day I’m pretty happy with what I picked up.
My other goal for today was to get a good meal – my last dinner on this trip.
Usually when I think of a nice meal my mind automatically goes to Italian.
So, my last meal in the UK, my last meal in Scotland was bruschetta and pasta carbonara.
I spent the evening getting my ducks in a row for my impending departure and quick turnaround into “normal” life.
I went to update my blog to basically remove the “where is todd?” areas on the website and ended up erasing the very important “functions” file which basically contains all the design code for the site.
Luckily I have backups of all my files on my laptop at home so I’ll be able to make the site functional again in a couple days.
So that was my last day.
Tomorrow is a long travel day as I have a flight first to London and then another one on to Vancouver.